Friday, July 20, 2018

Me And My Ideas

I have been trying to get some extra money by walking dogs lately... and that suddenly gave me a great idea that pertains to Someday School! Actually my first great idea branched into several great ideas. At least, right now they seem great. I'd love to hear what you think!

1. Imagining that we have a facility with a fenced in yard, we could provide doggy day care for a few dogs. We could charge a small daily fee. The dogs would have the opportunity to romp with each other and with children all day. And any children interested could help take care of the dogs. The money we earn for caring for the dogs would belong to the school, so the students and staff would vote on how to spend it. I was thinking of using the 3-jar system that some families use when they give their kids allowance. We would have three jars labeled "Save," "Spend," and "Donate," and any money we earned caring for dogs (or doing whatever else anyone schemes up) would be divided into the jars. We'd have to brainstorm and vote on where we want to donate the contents of the "Donate" jar, and they'd also vote on how they want to use the "Spend" jar. A field trip? A party? It would have to be something that could benefit everyone.

2. And/or, we could sign up to foster a dog or two. This wouldn't be bringing any money in, but the kids could learn about taking care of a dog and helping the dog get ready to go to a new home.

3. We could see if a dog groomer and/or trainer would be willing to teach any interested students about dog grooming and dog training.

4. At some schools and libraries, kids have the chance to read to dogs. We would have that opportunity every day!

But first, of course, we would need a fenced in yard. And the dogs would have to be very kid-friendly. And the kids would have to learn about respecting animals and being safe around them.

What do you think of that?

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